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Know if Skin Products Cause Acne in Fort Collins & Loveland, CO

Skin products causing Acne in Fort Collins & Loveland, CO

Have you ever bought a new acne cream, or a product meant to get rid of the signs of aging, only to find that you suddenly have an unexplained acne breakout? Does this mean you’re allergic to your new product? Not necessarily. It could mean that when you put on your new face cream, acne made an appearance because of skin purging. So, what is skin purging? How do you know if that’s the problem?

First, let’s talk about skin purging. It might help to think about it as your skin detoxing. Have you ever gone on a body detox? Cutting processed foods and toxins out of your diet is good for you, as is switching to a diet of natural, whole, organic foods. However, when you make a major change like that, you will probably feel worse before you feel any better. This is because the toxins leaving your body will spend some time in your bloodstream, making you feel irritable, fatigued, and even depressed. Once they’re gone, though, the nutrients you’ve consumed will start to work their magic, making you feel better than you did before the detox.

Skin purging works much the same way. When you use products that penetrate your skin, rather than just covering your skincare issues, they can flush out toxins under your skin. Initially, this can cause a breakout because of those toxins rising to the surface. The products most likely to cause this effect are those that contain components meant to speed up cell turnover, like lactic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and retinoids. So, before your skin starts to look beautiful, you may find that the very products you’re using to treat it are what causes acne on your cheeks.

The good news is that this kind of breakout is not a long-term situation. Most of the time, a breakout caused by skin purging won’t last more than a month. If you’re trying a new skincare regimen and your face starts to break out, hang in there for six to eight weeks. It’s likely that the skin will clear by then; if it doesn’t, you should discontinue using the new products.

Of course, there are plenty of other causes of acne on cheeks and other parts of your face. Certain behaviors can trigger acne, like sharing makeup and tools with other people, going to bed without taking off your makeup, or using a towel to wipe sweat when you’re working out. Washing your face too much or scrubbing too vigorously can cause a breakout, as can popping pimples or trying too many acne treatments in too short of a time span. Sometimes, of course, a breakout can be the result of sensitivity to a new product.

How do you know the difference between a breakout due to sensitivity and one that’s the result of skin purging? First, consider the new products you’re using. Many products that contain ingredients like shea butter, silicones, and oil-based ingredients can clog your pores and cause acne. You’re better off choosing products that are labelled “non-comedogenic,” meaning they will not clog pores. Then, too, if the product you’re using isn’t meant to speed cell turnover, yet you’re breaking out, your problem is probably a sensitivity to ingredients in the product. The breakout itself can also give you clues as to its cause. Unlike acne breakouts, which can look like whiteheads and turn into cysts or nodules, purging causes blackheads and small skin-colored bumps under the skin’s surface. Purging generally happens on the parts of the face where you would normally get acne, like the jawline or the lower cheeks, and it causes small pimples that flare up and pass quickly. If you’re having a reaction to the product, you’re more likely to experience a localised, well-defined rash.

People who are acne-prone to begin with are most likely to struggle with purges. Fortunately, you can help your skin adjust to new products by going slowly. Instead of plunging headlong into a new skincare routine, start by applying a low dose of the product, a few times a week. As your tolerance to the active ingredients increases, you will be able to increase the amount and frequency of application. After a while, you may need to ask your dermatologist for a more potent dose. By starting new products gradually, you won’t just reduce your risk of purging, but may also be able to ward off other side effects, like redness or dry skin.

When you need skincare help or advice, trust Divine Dermatology and Surgical Institute, Fort Collins’ best name in dermatology. At Divine Dermatology, we provide the highest quality care and the most advanced techniques available, in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. Our experienced team works under the leadership of the founder of the practice, Dr. Jennifer Divine, who is board-certified by the American Board of Dermatology and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American College of Mohs Surgery. By tailoring treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs, and providing personalized attention, we’re able to provide effective care for a wide range of conditions. We treat skin, hair, and nail conditions and provide medical, cosmetic, and surgical services, providing comprehensive for people of all ages. Our expert skin cancer care includes diagnosis and tumor removal using standard surgical techniques and Mohs micrographic surgery, and we treat both common and rare skin conditions, as well as offering a wide array of cosmetic and aesthetic procedures. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment, call us at 970-399-7744 or contact us through our website.